Enrichment & Home Schooling Resources

Whether the schools are shut down or you homeschool by choice, here are some helpful resources.

Bethel Educational Resources

In addition to supplemental materials (available starting April 6th) the Bethel School District has vetted and collected resources to support academic enrichment for students at home.

 Supplemental Resources | Enrichment Resources | Distance Learning 

4J School District Home Learning Enrichment Resources

Educational activities and strategies that families can use to keep students engaged in learning during the school closure prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.


Breezy Special Ed.

A selection of free discounted and paid resources and ideas for successful distance, home learning for special education students.


Amazing Educational Resources

A Facebook educator community, with a companion website, to share the good, bad, and ugly about the many teacher resources on the internet.

Facebook | Website

Homeschooling For The Clueless Parent

A Facebook group with good educational resources with a side of humor.


SPED Homeschool

The website of an organization dedicated to connecting special education homeschooling families with quality information, materials, services and support.


How to Have Remote Playdates and Keep Kids Social

From Good Housekeeping, “apps, websites, games, and activities help maintain friendships from a safe distance.”


Homeschooling during coronavirus? Try the 3 hour homeschool solution!

For those new to homeschooling, some wise words from SimpleHomeschool.net. It doesn’t take a lot of experience nor a lot of time.
